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9009 Doris Drive
Ft. Washington

$1,000 Sponsor
$500 Host
$250 Donor
$100 Tickets

Event Information:
Brunch Favorites with Music and Conversation
For questions, please call 240-326-3910 or email info@melonygriffith.org
Can donate online at: https://act.myngp.com/Forms/-9105623212847789568
Can also donate online at: www.MelonyGriffith.org
Kindly RSVP by November 16th
Vaccination is required.

Checks can be payable and mailed to:
Citizens for Melony Griffith
4209 Stoney Place
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Michael Grant, Treasurer

Senate Budget and Taxation Committee
Senate President Pro Tempore
District 25
Prince George’s County

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